For years I have felt that the important word in the title “Parish Pastoral Council” is the word “Pastoral”. This is emphasized in Pope Francis’ model of synodality. In this vision we all work side by side to foster and develop the local mission of the Church. The Second Vatican Council stated that all the baptized share in the priestly, prophetic, and kingly ministry of Christ by offering their lives in worship, speaking out against injustice, and reaching out in loving service to others. The ultimate goal is to enable every baptized person in the parish to place their gifts at the service of the local community.
I believe that our parish already incorporates some of this vision and for that I give thanks to God and the vision of Father Mike, our founding pastor. But we must continue to look ahead. I saw a great quote recently: “Those who only look back cannot be leaven and salt, instead they become pillars of salt like the wife of Lot.”
In plain language the role of the Parish Pastoral Council is to continually assess the needs of the community and how we can work together to strive to meet those needs. To carry out this vision of mission we must truly be people rooted in Prayer and Scripture. The Second Vatican Council referred to the Sacred Liturgy as “the Summit and source of our Christian life” and calls for full, active, conscious participation on the part of the whole congregation. The liturgy is truly the “work” of all of us, not just the clergy.
As the Parish pastoral Council works on implementing more of this vision, we will start by asking the members of the congregation to take a greater role by volunteering to serve in one of the liturgical ministries. (Training will be provided for each of these ministries.) The Parish Pastoral Council will periodically present other opportunities for service in hopes that gradually each of us will find a place to be part of furthering the mission of our parish here and beyond.
Our Parish Pastoral Council is made up of a chair, vice chair, secretary, and several committee chairs. The different committee chairs help us to keep the big picture of our ministries both within the parish and outside the parish. These chairs are determined by discernment from the list of nominees. Currently there are several committee chairs rotating off having completed their term: Administration/Stewardship, Education/Formation, Social Action, Parish/Family Life.
If you would like to nominate someone for one of these openings or nominate yourself forms will be available in the Narthex. If you are nominating someone else, please be sure you have their consent.
Thank you for your consideration.
Cheryl Cambron Chair
Vice Chair
Jan Galletta Secretary
JJ Salts Parish/Family Life
**Vacant** Administration/Stewardship
Paige Eveland Parish Communication
Jamie Barbeauld Education/Formation
Irene Gruter Social Action/Missions
Helen Barbeauld Worship/Spiritual Life